Manningham Solar Savers

Solar Savers is a local government initiative helping households and businesses to install quality and affordable rooftop solar and batteries. This initiative is supported by Manningham Council in partnership with Solar Savers.

Subsidies and rebates available

Solar Savers provides the following financial assistance:

  • Manningham Council subsidies up to $2,000 per household for battery installation
  • Manningham Council subsidies for pension card holders up to $2,000 for solar systems
  • State Government rebates and loans available for the installation of solar or batteries.


Get a free quote

Eligible residents and businesses with suitable rooftops for solar will receive a free quote. The quote will include:

  • indictive costs
  • rebates
  • expected energy and cost savings. 

You will have the opportunity to discuss the quote with the installer and Solar Savers to ensure solar power is suitable for you.

Visit the Solar Savers website to find out more.

Why use Solar Savers

[add info about other options being available but the pros of this one - i.e. trusted installer, longer warranty period, great customer service etc.]


Case studies

Manningham residents are going all electric! Get inspired by their stories and pick up some tips on your journey to an all electric home.

Ken and Joan from Donvale

For country-raised Ken and his wife Joan, purchasing solar and a battery system simply made good sense. Now, the Donvale residents are saving more with stable renewable energy. 

 “Our aim was to improve our home’s efficiency and reduce our reliance on the grid,” explains Ken. 

While the couple initially dreamed of being off-grid, they found a powerful alternative: a well-insulated home with rooftop solar and a battery system.

For Ken, who comes from the country and doesn’t identify as an environmentalist, it was clear that “this is the way we must go.”

So, in 2023, Ken and Joan upgraded their 1kW solar panels to a 10kW system and also purchased a Sungrow battery through the Solar Savers scheme. 

The battery offers three-phase backup protection, which keeps their home steady if there’s a power outage or problem with the grid. They can also add extra units to increase the battery’s capacity – if their energy needs grow or they add more appliances.  

The impact? Less grid outages and more reliable energy. Plus, with an interest-free loan from Solar Savers, the upgrade was more affordable. 

“While the total cost was around $20,000, I only paid $7,000 upfront, with the rest on an interest-free loan. It’s a great deal that’s made a huge difference for us.”

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