Make your home all electric

You can be part of the clean energy future by moving to an all electric home. 

Getting started with all electric

Use the information below to find out how to make the switch - choose the actions and the timeline that suits you.

To get started, download our All Electric Action Plan [add this when available].


Energy efficiency advice and resources

Are you new to electrification? The following resources will help you understand where to start your journey to an all electric home, and help you make a plan to get there.

Covers all aspects of home electrification, including key appliances, understanding energy bills, and running cost comparisons.

A comprehensive guide, with a step by step plan for moving to an all electric home and how to save money in the process.

Provides a home electrification action plan, fact sheets, buyers guides for appliances, information on rebates and case studies.

A national home energy advice service, which provides an assessment of your home's energy use and makes tailored recommendations.

Subsidies, loans and incentives

The following information outlines the financial incentives on offer through Local Government, State Government and Federal Government initiatives. 

View the current subsidies available to Manningham residents through the Solar Savers program.

Find out about rebates and interest-free loans to install solar panels, batteries and hot water systems.

View the discounts available for upgrading your heating and cooling, hot water system and home appliances.

Read about small-scale technology certificates (STCs), provided by the Australian Government upon installation of an eligible renewable energy system.

How we can help you go all electric

In addition to the Solar Savers Program, we can assist you make the switch to all electric through a range of offerings [change wording].

We run electrification events and information sessions throughout the year, both in person and online.

We have created a All Electric Action Plan with a checklist and action plan to help simplify the task of moving to all electric.

Understand where the gaps are in your home's thermal efficiency using a kit available from our libraries.

Be inspired by reading about how other Manningham residents are going all electric.

Related events

Come along to a webinar or an in-person event to learn more about electrifying your home and living sustainably.


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