How to read your valuation and rates notice

To help you understand your rates notice, we've put together a sample rates notice. 

This example has been prepared as a guide only, the information and figures may not be a true reflection of a current rates notice.

Sample rates notice image showing how Manningham calculates rates. Only used as a guide.


1. Rating year

The period relating to this notice, effective from 1 July to 30 June each year.

2. Date of issue

This is the date that the notice was printed and issued.

3. Property ID

Council’s identification of your property. Please have this handy when making enquiries regarding your rates notice.

4. Amount due and due date

Provides the first instalment amount with the due date. If you are on Direct Debit, or have an arrangement with Council, this will be noted in this section. If you are on Direct Debit, Council will debit your payment.

5. Notices by email

If you would like to receive your notices via email, register online

6. Property location details

This section has your property address, title particulars, the Australian Valuation Property Classification Code (AVPCC) and the owner's details. The AVPCC is assigned to your property according to the use of your land.

7. Property valuation details
  • Capital Improved Value (CIV) – The total market value of the property including land, buildings and other improvements. This is used in Manningham to calculate rates.
  • Site Value (SV) – The Site Value is the value of the land only, assuming any improvements had never existed. This is used by the State Revenue Office to calculate Land Tax.
  • Net Annual Value – For residential properties this is 5% of the CIV, and for non-residential properties it is the greater of the annual rental value or 5% of the CIV.
  • Level of Value Date – This is the date that the property was assessed and valued at.
  • Valuation Effective Date – This is the date that the Valuation has been used to calculate the rates.
8. Details of rates and charges
  • General Rate – Rate in the dollar is 0.00155331 cents, this is then multiplied by the CIV to get the Rates amount.
  • Standard Waste charge – Waste service charge for a Standard residential property.
  • Fire Services Levy – State Government charges collected by Council. This levy is made up of a fixed charge and a variable charge which is calculated on the CIV.
  • Pension Rebate/Low Income Health Care Card Reduction – If you are receiving a rebate, it will appear in this section of the notice. If you are eligible for a rebate and it is not showing on the notice, you will need to apply for the rebate.
9. Payments/Changes message

If you have made any changes or payments that were received by Council after this date, they may not be shown on this rates notice.

10. Total amount due

This is the total amount due on your account (including any arrears). If you have any arrears, please pay the arrears amount immediately.

11. Instalment payments

Your rates and charges amount due in instalments by the respective dates.

  • Four instalments – Payment of the 1st instalment must be received by 30 September. Council does not provide the option to pay in full in February. Late payments will incur interest charges.
  • 10 instalments – Only available via Direct Debit