Apply to the heritage restoration fund

Applications are now open

We recognise the value of helping property owners to protect and manage significant:

  • homes
  • buildings
  • trees
  • gardens.

Appreciating the importance of our significant areas of interest, restoration incentives are provided under the following two categories:

  • Heritage Restoration Fund (Buildings and Works)
  • Heritage Restoration Fund (Trees and Gardens).

What the funds cover

The Heritage Restoration Fund (Buildings) provides owners of identified heritage properties to apply for a small grant. This will help with the maintenance and restoration of significant buildings and other places of interest.

The Heritage Restoration Fund (Trees and Gardens) provides owners of significant trees and gardens with help either to:

  • undertake appropriate maintenance works
  • obtain a suitable water supply to provide for the longevity of these trees and gardens.

Amount of funding available

A total of $35,000 is available across these two funding categories. We’ll generally provide funding for approved work on a dollar-for-dollar basis, up to a maximum amount of  $3,000.

Properties eligible for funding assistance

Most owners of properties in the Heritage Overlay and the Vegetation Protection Overlay (Schedule 5) will be eligible to apply for funding through the appropriate Heritage Restoration Fund.

To find out more about the eligibility criteria and assessment priorities, download the policy below.

Heritage Restoration Fund Policy
Heritage Restoration Fund Policy
180.13 KB


How to apply

If you’re ready to apply for funding, download the application form below.

In your application, include a copy of quotes for the restoration project, showing the value of the works. Also, provide photographs of the building, tree or garden in its current condition.

Heritage Restoration Fund - Application Form
Heritage Restoration Fund - Application Form
106.54 KB


Making a claim if you’re successful

If you’re a successful applicant, complete the form below and send it to

You must also include receipts and photos showing the completion of works with your claim form.

Heritage Restoration Fund - Claim Form
Heritage Restoration Fund - Claim Form
59.25 KB

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