Showing Well Governed Council

Media Releases

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Members of the Doncaster Rail Advocacy Steering Committee are taking their advocacy campaign for rail to Doncaster to...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham City Council will discuss its 2013/2014 Annual Report at the Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 28 October...
Well Governed Council
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Following on from recommendations by the Independent Panel and Advisory Committee, Manningham Council has adopted...
Well Governed Council
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Commuters are invited to speak up and share their ideas about Melbourne’s public transport network and how it could be...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham Council and Places Victoria have agreed to mutually terminate the Project Development Agreement (PDA)...
Well Governed Council
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Most of the traffic signal in Manningham are the responsibility of VicRoads.
Well Governed Council
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Manningham Council has responded to community safety concerns and has commenced work on a roundabout at the intersection...
Well Governed Council
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In July, 2013, the Minister for Planning introduced new residential zones, the Residential Growth Zone (RGZ), General...
Well Governed Council