Showing Well Governed Council

Media Releases

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Manningham Council Chief Executive Officer, Joe Carbone has announced his resignation after three years in the top job...
Well Governed Council
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The Doncaster Rail Advocacy Steering Committee (DRASC) has been recognised for its efforts in public transport advocacy...
Well Governed Council
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In the interests of good governance, and acting under section 164 of the Local Government Act 1989, Manningham City...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham Council welcomes the introduction of the State Government’s “Know Your Council” website as an opportunity to...
Well Governed Council
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The Victorian Government has recently announced a review of its metropolitan strategy Plan Melbourne and Manningham...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham Council will be writing to the Minister for Planning to seek authorisation to implement the findings of a...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham Council has a long standing commitment to Wonga Park and of recent years has committed significant resources...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham Council has taken another step forward on its reconciliation journey, becoming one of only ten Victorian...
Well Governed Council
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Manningham Council has recently applied for a planning permit for the construction of the proposed $17.9 million multi...
Well Governed Council