Showing Resilient Environment

Media Releases

generic images by stephanie gall
Manningham residents are encouraged to plant an indigenous tree or habitat shrub and learn more about our environment...
Resilient Environment
generic images by stephanie gall
Severe weather has caused damage across Manningham. Stay up-to-date on current weather warnings via the Bureau of...
Resilient Environment
House roof in stormy weather
With the colder weather setting in, now is the perfect time to make sure you are prepared and know what to do in the...
Resilient Environment
generic images by stephanie gall
The Garden Waste Recycle Centre has now been permanently decommissioned and closed. In 2018 the State Government’s Waste...
Resilient Environment
generic images by stephanie gall
The Queensland Fruit Fly is one of Australia’s worst horticultural pests and has recently been found in Manningham...
Resilient Environment
CFA volunteer showing family a fire plan document
The Fire Danger Period has now been declared for Manningham, from Monday 8 February to Saturday 1 May 2021.
Resilient Environment
CFA volunteer helping family with emergency plan
Are you emergency aware? Whether you live in a bushfire or flood prone area or not, we have answered your common...
Resilient Environment
generic images by stephanie gall
In August this year, the Minister for Planning introduced new exemption provisions that allow for vegetation around...
Resilient Environment
generic images by stephanie gall
Each year we offer a series of land management grants that support the preservation of Manningham’s natural bushland and...
Resilient Environment